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Cultivate the Balance with Tai Chi
Reiki Self-Healing Level One, 1st March 2025:
Learn Reiki healing with four steps on your journey to self-healing:
Reiki is a simple healing method from Japan, allowing us to integrate self-empowerment through internalization via self-healing meditation, drawing our awareness to the self for balance, health and healing.
Body and Minds Healing, Reiki Level 1 course is for those who wish to learn Reiki for balance and self healing:
Tai Chi introduction course starts 17th February 2025, learn to understand the real elements of Tai Chi Chuan, for all levels.
Tai Chi helps us to embrace the power of our mind and helps us to understand body and energy dynamics and interaction.
Tai Chi students can start with a 5 day or 10 day introduction and can continue further if they have more time to study with us:
Qigong Healing course starts 17th February 2025: Empower yourself to improve your health and your lifestyle to a higher awareness of healthy living.
Qigong helps to improves our understanding of natural living, improving our mobility and encourages improved internal circulation of our physiology and internal power of life force.
Qigong students can start with 5 or10 day healing courses and can continue further if they have more time to study with us.
Yoga Beginners 5 Day Course 12th May 2025:
Learn Yoga step by step with our Yoga beginner's introduction.
Yoga Beginners Course; A 5 day introduction into Yoga, learn the basics to practice Yoga, with full detailed instruction. A day by day progression into improving our understanding of body and breathing dynamics, though the power of Yoga for beginners
Body and Mind Healing Yoga, helping you to gain self confidence and starting you on a journey to self discovery of body and mind.
Taoist Inner Alchemy starts, 17th February 2025:
Above date booked out:
Exclusive course for Body & Mind Healing Qigong Students:
Learn Taoist Sexual Alchemy for improving health and lifestyle. Enhance you understanding of your sexual power with down to earth Taoist practices and meditations.
Prerequisite 10 days of Qigong Healing -5 Days Qigong Healing are included in this course:
Course is held in small group, up to 8 students.
Professional Tai Chi training course in Chiang Mai Thailand.
Tai Chi Intro 5 to 10-Days Course
Monday to Fridays 10am to 11am
Learn Tai Chi in Chiang Mai for improving Physical Health, Relaxation, Mental Focus & Balance with our Tai Chi instructor with 25 years of experiance. Tai Chi Chuan for Improving Health, Empowering your Mind, Movement and Coordination.
Tai Chi in Chiang Mai 5 to 10 day introduction or 3 months plus for improving your Tai Chi understanding and journey.
5 Tai Chi Health Benefits:
1. Tai Chi Improves Brain Function
2. Tai Chi Improves State of Balance
3. Tai Chi Improves Memory
4. Tai Chi Improves Self-Defence
5. Tai Chi Improves Co-ordination
Reiki Course; 1st March 2025
Chiang Mai Reiki Healing self-healing course, learn the power of Reiki and how to develop and use Reiki for self-healing, Reiki Healing originates from Japan with the influence of Buddhism, Taoist & Shinto spiritual practices: Learning pure Reiki healing in 4 affective Reiki meditation practices to help our Chiang Mai Reiki students in their journey into Health & Healing of Body & Mind by the power of Reiki training and sessions.
Reiki 2 - Reiki 3 - Reiki Healing
Reiki Health Benefits:
1. Reiki Calms and Stills the Mind.
2. Reiki Improves Health.
3. Balances & Heals the Energy Body.
4. Reiki Develops Compassion.
5. Reiki Improves Self-development.
Qigong Healing 5 to 35-Days Qigong Training; Monday 17th February 2025 Chiang Mai Qigong (Chi Kung) Healing Course for improving Mind, Body, Health & Vitality. Qigong in Chiang Mai 5 Day to 35 Day Qigong Courses to increase the potential of our energy and health with Medical & Healing Qigong: Our popular Qigong course in Chiang Mai has been carefully put together by our senior Qigong instructor to help all students on their journey to self healing and spiritual development, through the power of Qigong Healing, Exercises & Meditations.
5 Qigong Health Benefits
1. Qigong Gentle & Effective Exercise.
2. Qigong Improves Blood Circulation
3. Qigong Improves Immune System.
4. Qigong increases Bio Energy - Qi.
5. Qigong Develops Physical Power.
5-Day Yoga Beginners Introduction
Starts Monday 12th May 2025
Chiang Mai Yoga Beginners Course for starting our journey in Yoga. Yoga Beginners in Chiang Mai working with Yoga foundations, Step by Step introduction into Yoga exercise and meditation. Detailed yoga beginners course in Chiang Mai taught by our experienced Yoga teacher with 29 years of experience to help all new Yoga students in the first steps into learning Yoga in Chiang Mai, to improve body, mind and spirit. Learn the essential yoga postures; an ideal yoga course for beginners.
Yoga Health Benefits
1. Yoga Dynamic & Effective Exercise.
2. Yoga Improves Overall Health.
3. Yoga Improves Fexibility.
4. Yoga Strengthens the Body.
5. Prepares the Body for Meditation.
Cultivate Sexual Power -
Start; February 17th 2025
Specialized down to earth training in Taoist and Tantra sexual continence practices for maintaining our health and nourishing our spirit. Sexual Healing Energy Conservation and Cultivation for men and women. Taoist & Tantra Sexual Alchemy course, learning to conserve and activate our sexual power, improving your understanding on working with the power within. Learn ancient widsom to harness the power within.
Sexual Alchemy Health Benefits
1. Improved Vital Force.
2. Conservation of Sexual Power.
3. Improved Sexual Understanding.
4. Nourishes the Whole Body.
5. Promotes Health and Healing.
Tai Chi & Qigong Certified Training:
Foundation courses start at Level 1
Tai Chi Level 1 - Qigong Level 1
Certified Professional Courses in Chiang Mai for Qigong Healing & Tai Chi Chuan: Instructor courses start with our foundation Level 1 Qigong & Tai Chi Courses.
Qigong (Chi Kung) & Tai Chi in Chiang Mai for those who wish to commit and develop the power for personal practice and teaching Tai Chi Chuan or Qigong. We offer 3 course levels in Qigong and 8 levels for Tai Chi practitioners, with Tai Chi Level 2 being the basic Tai Chi instructor level.
5 Instructor Course Benefits
1. Deep understanding of the practice
2. Enhanced Knowledge
3. Improved Overall Health
4. How to Practice and Teach
5. Potential to Help Others
Saturday 8th March 2025
Reiki Development Healing Course Learn the next steps into Reiki healing in Chiang Mai, for personal Reiki development & Reiki healing for others. Reiki empowerment meditation & professional Reiki healing. In this Reiki course all students will improve their understanding and enhance their power of using and working with Reiki. Reiki level 2: Healing with Reiki at Body and Mind Healing Chiang Mai Thailand.
Astrology Readings
Chiang Mai Astrology Readings
Detailed Astrology email readings by Body and Mind Healing.
Personality Astrology Reading:- Learn about yourself, a detailed personality astrology report, decoding your birth chart, understanding your blueprint of your life, the positive and the challenging aspects of you life and living.
Learn deeper insights about your life, to help you understand yourself and improve how to live.
Hatha Yoga in Chiang Mai:
Yoga classes currently available for private sessions only.
Hatha Yoga & Meditation Classes open levels; Dynamic flow Hatha Yoga in Chiang Mai, with elements of Yoga Vinyasa, Ashtanga Yoga, Iyenger Yoga and Raja Yoga combined. Chiang Mai Yoga Classes open level Yoga practitioners, the main focus is Traditional Hatha Yoga & Raja Yoga for Mediation. Developing our potential in Asana, Pranayama & Yoga Meditation at Body & Mind Healing Chiang Mai Thailand.
Raw Organic Noni Juice, a super food, has powerful healing elements which provides the body with an immune system boost and helps purify and clean the blood. Noni is full of nutrients, minerals, vitamins A B C D E. Noni has active enzymes, folic acid and is a powerful antioxidant. Noni properties helps with removing TOXICITY from the body helps to fight disease by boosting the immune system. Noni is also known for it cancer fighting properties. Our Raw Noni Juice especially prepared without anything added.
Tongkat Ali (eurycoma longifolia jack) also known as Malaysian Ginseng, is grown in the south east Asia's peninsula, and is use as a traditional medicine, to treat hormone imbalances and is well known as a aphrodisiac use for treatment for sexual dysfunction, it enhances energy levels, stamina, blood circulation and enhances mood. Tongkat Ali is also known to reduce fevers, intestinal worms, dysentery, diarrhea, indigestion, and jaundice and is anti malarial,
Body & Mind Healing Qigong in Chiang Mai; 7-week series of 5-day courses in Qigong (Chi Kung) energy exercises and Qigong meditations to help you to Improve your Health & Vitality. Qigong training especially for improving and increasing internal energy flow to enhance your health, strengthening the immune system, balance the mind and empower your breathing; Qigong is also known as Chi Kung and generally the term Qigong is now more widely used, then the older version of Chi Kung :
In our Qigong sessions we use simple movements of the body, combining breath and a guided powerful Qigong meditation to empower ourselves for the day ahead.
Learn a simple and pure method of Chi Kung / Qigong in Chiang Mai at Body & Mind Healing, that allows you to connect with your internal power and utilizing your Qigong (Chi Kung) development to improve your life.
Body & Mind Healing Tai Chi in Chiang Mai for improvement of co-ordination, balance, memory and concentration; Learn step by step Tai Chi in Chiang Mai to understand fully, the meaning of what you are practicing: Delve deeply into Wudang Tai Chi forms from Hong Kong, similar to Wu Style Taiji. Learn Tai Chi in Chiang Mai for improving health, the power of mind, self defense awareness and empowering confidence. Tai Chi which is known as an internal energy art and was originally developed for health and self defense.
Internal energy arts take time to develop as the subtleties of Tai Chi need to be embraced fully and integrated as part of your practice. We offer Tai Chi, for all levels of experience.
Body & Mind Healing Reiki in Chiang Mai for inner peace, health and cultivating stillness into your life; Reiki healing courses to help develop and access your own healing potential, for yourself and others. Reiki is a simple Healing Meditation for improving our health and sense of well-being:
We offer professional Reiki Courses in Chiang Mai Thailand, empowering you as our Reiki student to access the power of your own Reiki healing ability and potential.
Pure natural Chaing Mai Reiki healing at Body and Mind Healing, the power of Reiki is within you and everyone has access to that power.
Reiki One; for Reiki Self-Healing:
Reiki Two; for Deepening your Reiki: practice and healing others with Reiki:
Reiki 3; for the final Reiki techniques, meditations and teaching others.
Yoga in Chiang Mai at Body & Mind Healing for developing flexibility, strengthen, detoxing the body and mind, through Yoga exercise (asanas), Yogic breathing and Raja Yoga meditation:
We offer a specialized sequenced Hatha Yoga practice for our Yoga students, who wish to keep their Yoga asana practice dynamic, focused and effective.
Chiang Mai Yoga & Meditation private classes, for yoga beginners and intermediates and will hold a 5 day yoga beginners course introduction once a month. Hatha Yoga, is our focus in our Yoga classes in Chiang Mai, we also include Pranayana and Meditation at Body and Mind Healing:
Body & Mind Newsletter Sent 3 Times a Year
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