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Qigong 8 Bracades in Chiang Mai Thailand
Qigong Course for Health & Healing
Improving Health and Vitality with Qigong
Qigong, also known as Chi kung health benefits, are well renowned and Qigong practice aids in the stimulation and circulation of Chi or Qi (energy life force), also the muscles and tendons become strengthened and toned. With consistent Qigong practice, you will experience its enduring benefits as you go about your daily life and work. Your mind and body become exceptionally alert. Your mental and emotional faculties are refreshed and balanced.
Qigong for Developing Our Bio Energy
We can strengthen our core power through specialized Qigong exercises and Qigong Meditations, each Qigong practitioner with continued practice will gain a greater resilience under pressure and can help to prevent or recover more easily from daily life pressures, illness and injury. Core power is where our bio energy resides, bio energy is the Qi within ourselves, it is our physical expression, it is our health, our creativity, our sexual potential and our spiritual embodiment.
Qigong Breathing and Movement
With precisely controlled breathing and body movements, coordinated with essential Qigong postures to raise the body's energy or Chi to higher levels carefully and consciously. With careful practice you will be able to use and direct that power, in all aspects of your daily life through correct practice of Qigong Healing in Chiang Mai Thailand.
Please Note: A possibility to continue Qigong training after your first week introduction to Qigong (Chi Kung) has been completed: A different theme starts every week:
Qigong Healing and Cultivation
Qigong, also known as Chi Kung, is an excellent energy healing practice for bringing health, peace, balance and vitality into one's life. It consists of very simple exercises and meditations, which are effective in increasing the energy levels in our bodies. Chi Kung means internal energy cultivation and was founded in China by Taoist and Indian Buddhist monks.
4 Elements of Qigong
Qigong / Chi Kung (氣 功) has 4 major elements, one major element of our training is known as Medical Qigong. Qigong has also been in use originally in China for thousands of years for developing health and for developing internal power in martial arts, especially in the Shaolin era around 1100 years ago and Qigong was also used in spiritual development practices of the Buddhist and Taoist traditions dating as far back a couple of Thousands of years ago. Medical Qigong is just one element of 4 elements which we teach in our Qigong course in Chiang Mai at Body and Mind Healing, the other 3 elements of Qigong are harmonizing with nature and our surroundings, Martial Qigong for the internal fighting arts such as Tai Chi and Spiritual Qigong for developing and nourishing the spirit within.
The power of Qi
Chi which is now known in the west as Qi is the foundation of Chinese medical theory, it is the very source of our health, without an abundance of Chi (Qi) in our bodies, we cannot stay healthy or achieve our goals in life.
Qigong for everyone
Qigong (Chi Kung) can be practice by young and old alike and those who practice Qigong regularly will benefit greatly from increased energy and the many health benefits received with continued and regular Qigong practice.
Qigong at Body and Mind Healing
Our Qigong (Chi Kung) in Chiang Mai is focused on the Ba Duan Jin (8 Brocades Qigong) and Zhan Zhuang (Standing Qigong Mediation) we also focus on clearing negative feelings and emotions through other special Qigong (Chi Kung) exercises. We also offer throughout all cycles of our Qigong training a powerful Qigong meditation for developing more physical power internally and externally, helping each Qigong student more potential of harnessing their power of Qi in their own bodies and minds. We use Taoist Qigong full self body massage to improve Qi flow and stimulate cell regenration to all of the body to enhance detoxification of the tissues, bones and to improve the endoctrine system immune responds and enhance metabolism function.
Qigong - Chi Kung Chiang Mai
5 Day - 35 Day Chi Kung Course
Qigong starts Mondays @ 9am
Next Qigong 5 Day Course
Monday 5th to 9th May 2025
Alternative Qigong 5 Day
Monday 12th to 16th May 2025
After above dates Check HERE
Monday to Friday
9am to 10am for 5 Days
Qigong 5 Day Course fee 2,000bt
Qigong 5 Day - **Discount**
Course Fee 1,800bt for advance booking , booked and fully paid by Thursday 12pm before start date for discount: Booking at the school -Cash, Thai Bank or Wise: Contact Us:
Web Booking HERE - Deposit Only (PayPal booking no discount)
No single Qigong classes
Please Note: A possibility to continue Qigong training after your first week introduction to Qigong (Chi Kung) has been completed: A different theme starts every week:
Qigong Certification
Qigong Certified course at Body and Mind Healing. For those that are interested, we offer Qigong foundation certification to those that have completed, at least 7 weeks of Qigong training: (please note; additional fee for certification)
Tai Chi in Chiang Mai Thailand
Qigong is the foundations of the internal practices of Tai Chi Chuan, it allows us to express in our Tai Chi movement, with grace and power combined.
Learn Tai Chi Chuan in Chiang Mai at Body and Mind Healing.
Qigong / Chi Kung Healing
5 to 35 Day Course
Qigong 5 Days starts Mondays
Monday to Friday 9am to 10am
5 Day Qigong Course Discount Fee 1,800bt
Discount for advance booking paid in full;
At the school - Cash, Thai Bank transfer - Prompt Pay or Wise
Book and pay in full by Thursday 12pm before start date:
2,000bt course fee if we receive your booking
after Thursday 12pm before start date or booking via PayPal online booking:
(no discount available via PayPal online booking)
5 Day Qigong (Chi Kung) Courses
Next Qigong Course Starts
*Monday 5th May 2025
Qigong alternative dates:
Qigong March 2025
24th to 28th March - Holiday
Qigong April 2025
Holiday during April
Qigong May 2025
5th to 9th May
12th to 16th May
19th to 23rd May
26th to 30th May
Qigong June 2025
2nd to 6th June
9th to 13th June
16th to 20th June
23rd to 27th June - Holiday
30th June to 4th July - Holiday
Qigong July 2025
7th to 11th July
14th to 17th July
21st to 24th July
28th July to 1st Aug
Qigong August 2025
4th to 8th August
11th to 15th August
18th to 22nd August
25th to 29th August - Holiday
Qigong September 2025
1st to 5th September- Holiday
8th to 12th September
15th to 19th September
22nd to 26th September
29th Sept to 3rd October
Qigong October 2025
6th to 10th October
13th to 17th October
20th to 24th October
27th to 31st October - Holiday
Qigong November 2025
3rd to 7th November
10th to 14th November
17th to 21st November
24th to 28th November
Qigong December 2025
1st to 5th December
8th to 12th December
15th to 19th December
22nd to 26th December
29th Dec to 2nd Jan 2026 - Holiday
Qigong / Tai Chi Booking HERE or at the school
Bookings dates available to the end December 2025
Dates after December 2025 to be added shortly.
"Rod, Thank you very much for the results of my 10 lessons learning the basic Chi Kung. I came to you feeling half alive, having one foot bandaged, unable to get in touch with myself. Amazing how different I feel after those 10 lessons. No bandages, a feeling of joy and excitement has come back into me and I am feeling the energy returning to my body & Spirit. It is hard to believe that this practice can make one feel so good. Age seems to be no barrier to the healing effects of the Chi Kung and your teaching has been so good for me .
Thank you Rod for helping me on this path of healing. I will be returning to you from time to time for your help with my practice." Janice, Australia
Chi Kung (Qigong) course at Body and Mind Healing focusing on accessing our internal healing potential and for developing physical power and spiritual potential, our concept is helping the student day by day to unwind maybe years of emotional blockages or physical unbalanced symptoms, which eventually lead to sickness. We spread our Chi Kung training out over several weeks allowing the student to process any releases slowly and carefully, in this way we respect ourselves and our Chi Kung practice. We use Qigong breathing techniques and Qigong meditations to help the student to develop further. The Qigong breathing exercises help to regulate and increase the bio energy (Chi - Qi) and helps to improve and increase the body blood circulation and also improves the functioning of the bodies metabolism, improving health, vitality and extending the potential in increasing our lifespan.
In the early years of Chi Kung (Qigong) the concepts were about harmonizing our selves with nature and the cosmos, though if we look at the way we live our lives in this modern world everything is done too quickly or to excessively, which goes against the principles of harmonizing and respecting our lives and practicing Chi Kung.
Chi kung (Qigong)
I spent only one but simply amazing week with Chi kung... It was for me very first time to work with my energies this way. I had many deep feelings - physical but also mental. We were working with livers and first days I had to deal a lot with anger and fear settled in my body. At the end of this week, I started to have muscle tensions somewhere very deep in my body. Just after one week I felt difference in walking - my body feels very confident now. Even my boyfriend could see difference and told me that he is impressed how calm I am now and he wants me to continue doing this. We really didn't expect so big impact just in one week. On Friday after my last lesson I just fall asleep and I had very strange nice dreams where I couldn't recognize if I am dreaming or if it's reality.... I am sad that I couldn't stay longer because of my trip plans. Rod is amazing person and he created his own very sensitive program. That's why classes with him are very unique and you should choose exactly him :-) Lucy
Date of experience: May 2019 TripAdvisor
BOOKING Also AVAILABLE VIA Cash / Thai to Thai Bank Transfer / Prompt Pay and Wise Please Contact Us
Before completing checkout, you can combine your booking and add other courses such as Reiki healing or Tai Chi to your booking before you complete checkout.
Qigong Online Booking 5 Day - Deposit 500bt
(no discount via PayPal online booking; 1 deposit per person)
1,800bt if Full Payment has been made by Thurday 12pm before start date:
2,000bt if full course fee paid afterThursday 12pm before course start date:
To receive the discount;
Full course fee has to be made by Thursday 12pm before start of course.
Discount given only for Cash, Thai Bank - Prompt Pay or Wise Transfers
(no discount via PayPal online booking)
Advance booking course fee:
Qigong 5 Day Course full fee is 1,800bt (Discounted)
Qigong booking 5 Day - Deposit 500bt
2,000bt if full course fee paid after Friday before course start date:
Qigong 10 Day Booking Deposit 1,000bt
(Total 3,600bt for 10 days Qigong - Discount Inc.)
Qigong & Tai Chi 5 Day Booking Deposit 1,000bt
(Total 3,600bt for 5 Days Qigong & Tai Chi - Discount Inc.)
Deposit confirms your space and is non refundable.
Please arrive to your course at least 10 Minutes early.
Wear comfortable clothing.
Qigong starts Mondays
Deposit confirms your space and is non refundable.
Qigong & Tai Chi Course Manuals and DVDs Available
Great Option; Combine Qigong with Tai Chi Chuan
Chi Kung Chiang Mai Thailand
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